Towards team cohesion: effective communication PPT slide deck

If trust is the glue that keeps teams together, effective communication is the fuel that enables trust. You cannot talk about team cohesion without

If trust is the glue that keeps teams together, effective communication is the fuel that enables trust. You cannot talk about team cohesion without trust among team members. To help you during this #covid19 crisis, we have prepared for you a PPT slide deck you can readily use to train your staff to communicate better. Now is the time to create team ownership and focus on a common agenda.

People will not listen to you if they do not trust you. If people do not listen, they cannot be influenced and or persuaded to act.


So, how do you build trust and influence people?
The answer is simple, but difficult to implement. Communicate effectively. You must learn the art of effective communication.

Start by knowing your team members – names, family, relationships, personal aspirations and challenges, interests, and worries. Show genuine interest in your colleagues. If my child or partner is not fine, it is difficult for me to deliver that urgent report you expect from me. However, when a leader shows they understand the personal pains their colleagues are going through, team members dig deep to perform their roles.

Study the image below: what do you notice from it?

Source: internet photo.
You answered right. The ability of the mother elephant to communicate effectively enables other elephants to move in the same direction. Just like people, the ability for the Leaders to communicate well makes it easier for the staff to understand the message and act accordingly.

What is the ambition of the business? What is the role of the individual staff on the journey? What are the priorities that must be done to move closer to that ambition or aspiration?

As a leader, mastering effective communication skills are essential for your business success.

Attached download a simple PowerPoint slide deck on communication skills for your team. It is good for human resources or any leader interested in training his or her team ineffective communication. You are free to download, edit, and adjust. Add your company logo but please keep our logo!



Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, 2020. All rights reserved.

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