Understanding cybersecurity and computer forensics

Security is a human right. It gives you peace of mind to focus and thrive. Everyone feels safer at their home. This is because

Security is a human right. It gives you peace of mind to focus and thrive.

Everyone feels safer at their home. This is because of a special feeling of being in control of the environment. You are so familiar with your home and neighbourhood that you feel safe and confident. Depending on your income level, at home, you have implemented basic physical security in terms of access control.

In addition to the doors on each room in your house, you have implemented burglar proof in all windows and doors. And that is not enough, you have a tall perimeter wall, a security guard, an electric fence, and or a dog on standby to alert you in case all other controls fail. We call this defence in depth.  You keep adding a layer of security from your bedrooms outwards to the gate making it so difficult for an intruder to access your home.

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