Want to be highly productive? Be happy at home

Table Of ContentsThere are several reasons why you may not attain peace at your home.Be a good husband (and wife)!To be continued based on


There are several reasons why you may not attain peace at your home.

1. You don’t have a clear strategy or model of how to manage family finances. Many of the people in my private mentor-ship program complain about their spouses when it comes to managing family finances. Do you operate a join family bank account, on which both of you are signatories. The question then is how much should each contribute to that account monthly? Do you contribute equally?

Do you just combine all your bank accounts and focus on being transparent to each other? How exactly do you handle family money? Who buys land? Do you rely on one partner buying investment property, if yes in whose names should the property be registered?

If you are married to someone, should you be concerned when one of the partners invests in property in their own names? What does that mean to the other partner? If one of the spouses is a stay at home type, do they deserve benefiting from the family wealth? If you empower your spouse, do you risk disagreements in future?

2. Family finances and sex are some of the top things that disorganize couples. It is said that once one starts investing in assets in their own names, chances of the impending cheating are apparent. Do you agree?

Let me know what you think. Then I will provide insights on how you can go about your finances.

The critical thing is understanding your rights; and doing the right thing.

Make sure that your first primary home is in both names as long as you are married legally. That gives either partner protection in case of future challenges.

Trust after controls. Don’t take your partner for granted that they will act in your best interests. True love is doing things together regardless of your level of education, financial situation or career success. You are in this together.

Be a good husband (and wife)!

For men, don’t mistreat someone’s daughter (your wife). You are probably having girl children or sisters. You want them to be treated the way you are treating your wife. In a few years’ time, they will leave your home and get married. If you don’t include her as a co-owner of your family home, would you be happy to find your daughter is staying with someone and they don’t own anything?

Do the right thing. Making women co-owners in all your assets helps give them confidence. Of course there is a risk that they may cheat on you. That is bad. And it is regrettable. However, as long as you are still married. Be equal partners. After all, the constitution of the republic of Uganda gives them equal rights in the family.

To be continued based on your comments.

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