#Way of the Guerrilla marketing; grow your business on-line

Way of the guerrilla is a marketing and sales approach which relies on making significant sales for entrepreneurs and leaders who don’t have a

Way of the guerrilla is a marketing and sales approach which relies on making significant sales for entrepreneurs and leaders who don’t have a lot of money to spend,and are very careful in terms of where to spend the little on them. The guerrillas focus on critical areas.


Guerrillas do not just need a web site template, they need one that is interactive. They create a website that is right for their business.

A bad website kills the business.

While browsing posts on LinkedIn, I landed on a posted by one of the sales person at one of the biggest insurance companies in East Africa – lo and behold, the URL link had template information and the open source CMS name, ‘Joomla’. True, Joomla is a great open source dynamic content management system, but you ought to brand your website so well so that it does not take the place of your company logo.

You need to prioritize your on line presence in very power full ways.

On-line as a tool of guerrilla marketing, requires time, imagination, energy and aggressiveness. So you don’t post once but daily. Do not just put up any web site, create a compelling online presence. Ask yourself how do I transform this website into a commercial service? Is it all about people who have visited your site or the number of requests submitted through the site?  What is the return of your on-line investment? That is the way of the guerrilla. Visit mustaphabm3.sg-host.com. See what it means by having a site that speaks to people, integrated with social media and ongoing conversations about the product.

Focus on meeting client needs

If you come to Summit Consulting, each corner in our boardroom has got a testimonial letter from satisfied customers.That is the way of the guerrilla marketing. How do you make your client give you a referral and testimony? You need testimonies, referrals and the 100 guerilla weapons. Send your sales teams to Summit Consulting and train them in the way of the guerrilla marketing.  Stop being worried about reducing sales.

The #WayoftheGuerrilla marketing and sales strategies are ideal for all business that are interested in seeing money go to the bank account other than leave the account.

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