What are you obsessed with?

To improve your life, you must start doing something. When you are in a ditch, no one minds about you. Down deep there, it

To improve your life, you must start doing something. When you are in a ditch, no one minds about you. Down deep there, it is too dark. Only folks down there can see you clearly. For that matter, stop caring about what others think of your present situation. Focus on climbing out of the ditch. In fact, the current American President, has a name for your ditch. It is a #shithole. Effective today, I want you to start doing something to climb out of that shithole. Even if you are up there far away from the shithole, if you don’t do something about it, chances of sliding slowly, day after day, towards the shithole are high.

The first step to get out of the #shithole (lack of money to live the life you deserve) is being frank with your team. Be it at home or office or folks you spend your leisure time with. Make it clear to your partner or friends or workmates that they are a great company as your cheerleaders than naysayers when it comes to chasing your dreams.  Tell them what drives you NOT what you drive. A car is just a means of transport from point A to point B. And you cannot feel small or big based on the size of your means of transport. That is a personal decision based on the kind of road you are taking towards your dream.


To improve your life, you must start doing something


If your marriage partner is always like “Love, you don’t spend a lot of time with me at home. Why don’t you relax. You are stranger to the children. Even if you work hard you will never finish all the money out there. Life is too short to work too hard like a donkey. One day you will just drop down and die… blah blahblah” will that motivate you to wake up early and hit the road to your dreams? But if you have a partner like “Love, your project is fantastic. I am proud of you. Your discipline, hard work and care is contagious. Today I decided to come home early and personally prepare your favorite chicken, matooke and kalo.  I want you to be healthy to keep the habit of waking up early. If you consistently do this, the sky will be your starting point.” Which of these two partners do you need in your life?

Any negative number times a negative equals negative. Five times negative one equals negative five. One million times negative one equals negative one million. Allowing just one negative person to access you will render all your positive friends effort useless.

I want when you reach home, get a piece of paper, write the following and display on your bed:

“I am greatness. The only person between me and my dream of <having a farm with 1,000 animals and a great family, living in a good farm house> is me.” I will not be stopped. I will do one thing daily to push me towards my goals. I will eat healthy daily. I will exercise early morning for ten minutes daily. I will read a new book per month. I will present my proposal of what I can do daily to two potential clients per day. I am greatness. I will not be stopped.”

In part two next week, I show you how to climb out from the #shithole. One step at a time.Make 2018 your best year ever. For more insights, visit mustaphabm3.sg-host.com. To ask questions directly email, strategy[@]summitcl.com. To have me as your virtual mentor or accountability partner, skype me on mmugisa. Make sure you quote this article.


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