How high do you set your goals?

You should dream while awake. Not asleep. That way you avoid being too theoretical. Following many interactions I have had with many people, their

You should dream while awake. Not asleep. That way you avoid being too theoretical. Following many interactions I have had with many people, their biggest challenge is not setting too high goals, it is setting very low goals. They easily achieve and tick them off. Much as it might be good to celebrate the small milestones, you might end up celebrating when your goals are actually mediocre. The most important thing is to set high goals and then try to be stressed. Let your goals stretch you to go an extra mile. If you are always easily achieving your goals, maybe there is a problem. It means you might be leaving money on the table.


If you are always easily achieving your goals, maybe there is a problem. It means you might be leaving money on the table.


It is very important in any environment to be challenged to move to the next level. Identify the key achievements people of your age and in the same background have attained. And try to emulate or beat that one. Never settle for less.

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