Why pay annual fees to international professional bodies?

With a heavy heart, today I paid over the US $120 fees to an international professional body as an annual membership fee. Why pay

With a heavy heart, today I paid over the US $120 fees to an international professional body as an annual membership fee. Why pay all that money during these tough pandemic times, you may ask. And you are right to ask.

I find this kind of annual payment some form of fraud.  In the past, I would ‘waste’ such money on over seven professional bodies. I scaled it to two of which one is for the local professional body, as membership is critical to developing the local professionals in our country. This I pay with one heart. The country needs so many more professionals.

I find it odd to wire money as membership to an international body every year.

As I grow older, I continue to question the rationale of such annual fees to international bodies. The justification of which is a monthly or quarterly magazine, which usually has content that may not give direct benefit to local practitioners. Neo-colonialism is alive. Imagine if you must continue paying for your university degree every year?

What is your take on annual professional membership fees?

What exactly is the value of having initials after your name? Does your employer value the initials or the works of your brains and hands?

Educate me.

Granted, you may need to pay these fees in the first three years of your career startup. As you grow, some of these payments may not be necessary. At one time I would pay over the US $1,200 in annual membership fees. It was gross. Imagine donating such money to a local library or sponsoring a child.

Of course, to keep some jobs you are required to be a member in good standing with specific professional bodies. If your employer picks these bills on your behalf, that is cool. However, getting the money off your life savings may not be a great idea. I like to use the model of universities which train you for a lifetime. You take personal responsibility to stay abreast with the new developments in the profession.

Do not get me wrong.

Payments to the local associations and professional bodies are necessary to support its growth so that local capacity is developed. However, sending such money to international bodies need to be looked at again, carefully. Do you have to remain a member in good standing with all those international professional bodies??

Copyright Mustapha B Mugisa, Mr Strategy 2021. All rights reserved.

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